AN APPALACHIAN WINTER*: Angels We Have Heard on High, Carol of the Bells, The Cherry Tree Carol Medley, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Greensleeves, Hush My Babe, I Wonder as I Wander, In the Bleak Midwinter, Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, Silent Night
HE LEADETH ME: Be Thou My Vision, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, He Leadeth Me,I'd Rather Have Jesus, Lamb of God,My Jesus, I Love Thee
Sweet Beulah Land, Sweet Hour of Prayer, 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, We Give Thanks to Thee, What a Friend We Have in Jesus,What Wondrous Love Is This?, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
* The remainder of the songs on Steve and Ruth Smith's CD, An Appalachian Winter, are arranged and published in Ruth's book From Heart to Hands.